Pearl Lake, Leominster, Herefordshire
It is important for visiting anglers to know that Pearl Lake is a natural lake that can be fished rather than a dedicated fishing lake. As a visual spectacle it delights those who do not fish as much as it excites those who do. For this reason the lake is neither designed to be, nor stocked as, a fishery. The water quality is paramount to us and all the contributors to this – flora, fauna, roots, lillies, freshwater mussels etc – provide an abundance of natural food for the fish. Your challenge as an angler is to outwit the fish and make your bait the more attractive option. Weed will shelter silver fish, protecting them from predators, and is another important part of the lake eco-balance. We try to keep the swims clear for anglers so this does not spoil your experience of fishing this beautiful piece of water.
Contact Details
Pearl Lake, Shobdon, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 9NQ
T: 01568 708326